Querying a SQL DB
We can replicate our SQLDatabaseChain with Runnables.
We'll need the Chinook sample DB for this example.
First install typeorm
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install typeorm
yarn add typeorm
pnpm add typeorm
Then install the dependencies needed for your database. For example, for SQLite:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install sqlite3
yarn add sqlite3
pnpm add sqlite3
For other databases see https://typeorm.io/#installation.
Finally follow the instructions on https://database.guide/2-sample-databases-sqlite/ to get the sample database for this example.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @langchain/openai
yarn add @langchain/openai
pnpm add @langchain/openai
import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { SqlDatabase } from "langchain/sql_db";
import { ChatOpenAI } from "@langchain/openai";
import {
} from "@langchain/core/runnables";
import { PromptTemplate } from "@langchain/core/prompts";
import { StringOutputParser } from "@langchain/core/output_parsers";
const datasource = new DataSource({
type: "sqlite",
database: "Chinook.db",
const db = await SqlDatabase.fromDataSourceParams({
appDataSource: datasource,
const prompt =
PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(`Based on the table schema below, write a SQL query that would answer the user's question:
Question: {question}
SQL Query:`);
const model = new ChatOpenAI();
// The `RunnablePassthrough.assign()` is used here to passthrough the input from the `.invoke()`
// call (in this example it's the question), along with any inputs passed to the `.assign()` method.
// In this case, we're passing the schema.
const sqlQueryGeneratorChain = RunnableSequence.from([
schema: async () => db.getTableInfo(),
model.bind({ stop: ["\nSQLResult:"] }),
new StringOutputParser(),
const result = await sqlQueryGeneratorChain.invoke({
question: "How many employees are there?",
result: "SELECT COUNT(EmployeeId) AS TotalEmployees FROM Employee"
const finalResponsePrompt =
PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(`Based on the table schema below, question, sql query, and sql response, write a natural language response:
Question: {question}
SQL Query: {query}
SQL Response: {response}`);
const fullChain = RunnableSequence.from([
query: sqlQueryGeneratorChain,
schema: async () => db.getTableInfo(),
question: (input) => input.question,
query: (input) => input.query,
response: (input) => db.run(input.query),
const finalResponse = await fullChain.invoke({
question: "How many employees are there?",
AIMessage {
content: 'There are 8 employees.',
additional_kwargs: { function_call: undefined }
API Reference:
- SqlDatabase from
- ChatOpenAI from
- RunnablePassthrough from
- RunnableSequence from
- PromptTemplate from
- StringOutputParser from