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LangChain supports LLMs hosted by Deep Infra through the DeepInfra wrapper. First, you'll need to install the @langchain/community package:

npm install @langchain/community

You'll need to obtain an API key and set it as an environment variable named DEEPINFRA_API_TOKEN (or pass it into the constructor), then call the model as shown below:

import { DeepInfraLLM } from "@langchain/community/llms/deepinfra";

const apiKey = process.env.DEEPINFRA_API_TOKEN;
const model = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct";

const llm = new DeepInfraLLM({
temperature: 0.7,
maxTokens: 20,
maxRetries: 5,

const res = await llm.invoke(
"What is the next step in the process of making a good game?"

console.log({ res });

API Reference:

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